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Call 651-758-ROOF
“What is the meaning behind the name True North?”
“True North is the internal compass that guides you successfully through life. It represents who you are as a human being at your deepest level. It is your orienting point - your fixed point in a spinning world - that helps you stay on track as a leader. Your True North is based on what is most important to you, your most cherished values, your passions and motivations, the sources of satisfaction in your life.”
~ Bill George
We all have a purpose and a path in our lives. As women, we are sometimes expected or pressured to travel paths that do not follow our internal compass. We can be distracted or become lost. When we get quiet and listen to our internal compass, we can find our direction. When we allow our values and character to guide our actions as leaders, everything will fall into place. Being our authentic selves is the best pace to be. Being women in the trades world is our True North. We are looking forward to helping you on your next project.
True North Roofing values every homeowner. You deserve a first-class construction project experience where you feel supported and heard. Our customers are our partners. We strive to provide top notch site preparation, cost estimates, repairs, quality products and the highest standards of customer care in the residential construction industry.
True North believes every homeowner and subcontractor deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of race, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or country of origin or size of project. This philosophy applies to our subcontractors through our commitment to job site safety, fair signing practices and the creation of space for all to feel included in our True North family.
" I was basically born into the residential trade business. My Dad was a residential siding and gutter contractor. Some of my earliest memories are playing with his tools and building small projects. His dad, my grandpa, started a siding business the same year the Minnesota Vikings began playing football. The year was 1962 and my grandpa called his business, Viking Aluminum.
Growing up, my Dad taught me to value a good days work and find opportunities for entrepreneurship. At age 11, I was the first paper girl in my Maplewood neighborhood. I worked 7-days each week. In the morning, I delivered my papers before breakfast and school. After school I delivered the afternoon papers. I was proud to ride my bike around our neighborhood with my paper bag slung over my shoulder. Luckily, my Dad and siblings would help me with my big Sunday route. Such experiences taught me to value family and teamwork.
Though, I didn’t start out my adult life doing trade work. This work came to me later in life. After working with a non-profit that aimed to help young people find trades careers, and working for a few years with another roofing contractor, I decided it was time I built my own legacy. All my lived experiences lead me to start my own company. I had found my path and calling, and True North Roofing was born. It feels like home. Consider hiring our company to service your home. We take pride in each project as though it was our own.
The TrueNorth team is our work family. Our crews have an average of 20+ years in the roofing and siding industry. They take pride in a job well done. We look forward to you meeting the crew that will work on your home project.